Author Of The Month

October 2017: Emily Winslow

Emily Winslow is an American living in Cambridge, England. She trained as an actor and has a master's degree in museum studies. In addition to writing her Keene & Frohmann crime novels, Emily has published a memoir, Jane Doe January, of her involvement with a real-life court case. Together, she and her husband homeschool their two sons in a house full of books. 

Follow her on Twitter: @emilycwinslow

Author's Website:

Previous Authors Of The Month

September 2017 - Jamie Ford

JAMIE FORD is the great grandson of Nevada mining pioneer Min Chung, who emigrated from Kaiping, China, to San Francisco in 1865, where he adopted the western name “Ford,” thus confusing c…

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Sarah Hawkswood

August 2017 - Sarah Hawkswood

Sarah Hawkswood describes herself as a ‘wordsmith’ who is only really happy when writing. She read Modern History at Oxford University and the takes her pen name from her six times great g…

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Anna Jacobs

July 2017 - Anna Jacobs

Anna Jacobs was born in Lancashire at the beginning of the Second World War. She has lived in different parts of England as well as Australia and has enjoyed setting her modern and historical novels i…

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June 2017 - Edward Marston

Edward Marston has written over 100 books, including some nonfiction. He is best known for his hugely successful Railway Detective series, the latest of which is The Circus Train Conspiracy. His other…

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