Another Mo-nday in Movember…

It’s the second week in November, which means the moustaches of men throughout the UK must be coming along nicely.

Let me explain, in case you haven’t heard of the fundraising fad that is ‘Movember’. During the eleventh month of each year, men register at and commence their attempts to grow the finest moustache. It can be twirly, bushy, waxed, or something reminiscent of a silent-movie villain – anything goes. This ‘Mo-growing’ is not just for the purpose of looking manly. The aim is to raise as much money as possible to aid research into the top two male cancers – testicular and prostate. Friends and family can sponsor their Mo-growers by donating online, where pictures keep them up to date with the splendidness of the moustache.

Having recently sponsored my brother’s efforts (and informed him that the moustache had better be good; I want my money’s worth), I feel we should spread the word. So why not look around and check if anyone you know is sporting a freshly grown moustache? And if not, remind him to be a man, and get Mo-growing.

Sara Magness, Editorial Administrator

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