For the Love of Libraries
3 February, 2014
Last Friday, a giant book-shaped bed, set within a night-time dreamscape, rose up as the centrepiece of the first exhibition to take place at Peckham Platform (next door to the iconic Peckham library). Bookbed, by local artist Ruth Beale, explores learning, imagination and the book-as-symbol alongside current thinking in culture, education and public space. As […]
Information re-imagined…
28 January, 2014
If you’re anything like me, information enters your brain, is processed and then drifts out again approximately one week later. And although I know that learning is as much down to the efforts of the student as the teacher, wouldn’t it be fantastic if everything you needed to know was presented as beautifully and engagingly […]
Hostages – a new favourite?
21 January, 2014
Tipped as the new Homeland, Hostages (helpfully similar sounding), on Channel 4, is my new favourite winter drama. It began earlier this month with a stellar cast- Toni Collette playing a mother and doctor faced with a world-changing decision, and Dylan McDermott- portrayed as both loving father and terrorist, and whose identity as a ‘goody’ […]
Train Spotting
16 January, 2014
For three months of last year, I was a commuter. I didn’t change from comfy shoes when I got into the office but I did have a ‘spot’ on the platform, which I liked to wait at, opposite some ornamental graffiti. Whilst my regional network provider was one of my least favourite people on the […]
Celebrity spotting
9 January, 2014
What is it about celebrity that is just so fascinating? I’m not an avid Twitter follower, celebrity magazine reader or watcher of reality television, but every so often a celebrity comes along and I will hang off their every word and watch or listen to their entire back catalogue over and over. Sometimes our famous […]
Christmas round-up: Tech vs. Tradition
2 January, 2014
I’d just driven through something not dissimilar to a hurricane with my brother and sister, fairly pleased with my near rally-driving skill on route to our mum’s in Surrey, and I was quite ready for a cup of tea and some prime Christmas TV. But as we bundled our soggy selves through the door, the […]
Book Worlds…
2 December, 2013
When I come to the end of a book, I realise that leaving the world that I’ve concerned myself with during train rides and Sunday mornings can be just as saddening as knowing you have come to the end of a great story. Some of my favourite settings remain in my imagination long after the […]
DIY Sushi
28 November, 2013
Being a bit of a foodie, I was excited to be invited to a sushi making class last week, at Sumosan. The evening started with a shining example of what we were attempting to make- delicious crab, and salmon and avocado rolls, as well as salmon and prawn nigiri. Appetites satisfied and inspired, we set […]
The Lavender Keeper and other wartime reads…
21 November, 2013
I can’t believe it’s nearly a year since I was enjoying cosying up to Restless– the BBC’s adaptation of William Boyd’s great espionage novel. Since then Hayley Atwell, who played headstrong Eva, has become something of a rising star, and I’ve skipped through fantasy (finally watched a bit of Game of Thrones) and French zombies […]
Homework-free reading at Richmix
4 November, 2013
I first heard of Rich Mix as the venue for a DocHouse documentary screening (more of that here) and was keen to learn more about the charitable/social enterprise, which offers a range of creative activities for people of all ages and from all backgrounds. It’s the kind of place that reminds me of why […]
Paul Klee at the Tate Modern
1 November, 2013
The Paul Klee exhibition at the Tate Modern from 16th October to the 19th March 2014 is a celebration of the artist’s life and works as has never been seen before. The largest collection of his work ever gathered under one roof, it takes a good couple of hours to get round the 17 rooms […]
This weekend, make a care package for a stranger…
25 October, 2013
It’s almost November, and November is a month for caring. Poppy’s adorning coats and lapels , the growing (across the face) trend for moustaches, as the gentlemen-folk of London raise awareness of testicular and prostate cancer, oh comely magazine’s care package project – wait… that’s a new one?! Yup, it’s not quite so renowned (yet!) […]
Salty Dog Tales
17 October, 2013
The dramatic covers for David Donachie’s upcoming maritime books show you that Donachie means business. As an imposing ship rides determinedly over the icy looking waters of A Sea of Troubles and A Divided Command, you are at once guaranteed all the thrills and the terrors that the sea promises, as well as the mystery […]
Caro Fraser’s Errors of Judgment Launch Party
4 October, 2013
A lot of fun was had last night at the well turned-out launch of Errors of Judgment, the latest and final book in Caro Fraser‘s Caper Court Series. Answering questions (some rather racy!) on her best-selling books, Caro revealed that she writes in any spare time her full time job as a city barrister affords- including […]
Pleasantly surprised by pop-up theatre
3 October, 2013
A couple of weekends ago – it was one of the particularly drizzly weekends we’ve had of late – a friend and I were trying to decide what might brighten the day. So much of the cheap and cheerful in London, as we squeeze the last dregs out of the tailing summer, still seems to […]
The Newbie at A&B
24 September, 2013
Hello! I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself as the new Publishing Assistant at Allison & Busby, as Sophie has now moved over to Editorial. I’m really very excited to have begun working here late last week and I have already been thrown into life in the A&B world! Having spent a fair […]