Wednesday Cover Story: 1 book, 2 covers

14 April, 2010

I saw a woman reading Hilary Mantel‘s new book Wolf Hall on the tube this morning which has prompted me to bring up the subject of books released with two covers. This particular woman was reading the version with the black cover, but it is also published in white.  Our Publishing Director, Susie (who is […]

Wednesday Cover Story: New Look for Harry Potter

7 April, 2010

Bloomsbury has announced that they will be rejacketing the entire Harry Potter series this winter to appeal to the ‘next generation of fans’. They are calling it The Signature Look. Great news for the artists and designers behind the revamp, although the first image released doesn’t excite me at all. Am I the only one? […]

Wednesday Cover Story: The Devil’s in the detail…

31 March, 2010

There are definitely times when I’d happily hang a book cover on my wall or I take to displaying it front cover outwards on the bookshelf and The Children’s Book by A.S. Byatt is definitely one of those. Not only does it ‘fit’ so well with the story inside, of an Edwardian mother and author […]

Wednesday Cover Story: Remarkable Creatures, by Tracy Chevalier

24 March, 2010

I have a soft spot for book covers. I’m the first to admit that I’ve been coaxed into reading a book purely on the basis of its cover.  Or indeed been put off by it. And I know I’m not the only one.  So, I’ve decided to run a regular slot each week: Wednesday’s Cover […]