
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas…

20 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “of the effigy.” Now you should have the complete quote! (Read the previous posts if you are missing any clues) and you can  enter our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway now to win all twelve books!

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas…

19 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “marble hands” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

On the Tenth Day of Christmas…

18 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “in the cold” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

On the Ninth Day of Christmas…

17 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “perched” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

On the Eighth Day of Christmas…

16 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “so purposefully” Find the previous clue in Friday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

On the Seventh Day of Christmas…

13 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “Christmas pudding” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment on Monday…

On the Sixth Day of Christmas…

12 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “wrapped” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

On the Fifth Day of Christmas…

11 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “the gaily” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

On the Fourth Day of Christmas…

10 December, 2013

My true love gave to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “about it,” See the previous clue here.  Next instalment tomorrow…

On the Third Day of Christmas…

9 December, 2013

My true love gave to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “a little macabre” See the previous clue here.  Next instalment tomorrow…  

On the Second Day of Christmas…

6 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “something…” See yesterday’s clue here.  Next instalment Monday…

On the First Day of Christmas…

5 December, 2013

My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “There was…”    

Get ready for our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

4 December, 2013

  Starting tomorrow, we’ll be celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas – with a literary twist! So if you fancy a bit of festive fun and a chance to win a lovely pile of books, follow this blog and look out for a snippet of text from a line in the festive mystery, The Mischief […]

What’s better than playing with a toy train?

3 December, 2013

Did you like to play with trains as a kid? I certainly did.  Seeing as one of my favourite books as a child was The Little Engine that Could, the Christmas where Santa brought me a steam-engine-train-set remains a highlight in the memory bank of past Christmasses. I’d still get a kick out of one […]

Book Worlds…

2 December, 2013

When I come to the end of a book, I realise that leaving the world that I’ve concerned myself with during train rides and Sunday mornings can be just as saddening as knowing you have come to the end of a great story. Some of my favourite settings remain in my imagination long after the […]

Natty knits for Christmas

29 November, 2013

Christmas, a good cause, knitwear and a man called Darcy. That’s a pretty irresistible combination, I’m sure you’ll agree. I spotted the other day that Save the Children have launched a perfectly festive fundraising campaign: Christmas Jumper Day. On Friday 13th December, they are encouraging us to wear a suitably Yuletide-emblazoned jumper and to give […]

DIY Sushi

28 November, 2013

Being a bit of a foodie, I was excited to be invited to a sushi making class last week, at Sumosan. The evening started with a shining example of what we were attempting to make- delicious crab, and salmon and avocado rolls, as well as salmon and prawn nigiri. Appetites satisfied and inspired, we set […]

Wednesday Cover story: Iconic covers…and soup

27 November, 2013

I spotted the other day that Campbell’s, purveyors of fine soups, had decided to celebrate the 50 years since Andy Warhol incorporated the brand into his artwork with a set of limited edition tomato soup cans. Pretty nifty eh? It made me think about those images in the world of books that are iconic, absolute […]

Have your cake and eat it.

26 November, 2013

There’s a National Day of Something for every day of the year.  And we’ve come to the point where we’re doubling up – there aren’t enough days in the calendar to give a National Day to all the Somethings we want to dedicate a National Day to. And half the time we get confused with […]

From the Page to the Screen

25 November, 2013

While most people dread January as it means the end of the holidays, I am quite looking forward to the New Year because with it comes the film release of one of my favourite books: The Book Thief, by Mark Zusak. The book follows nine-year-old Liesel in Nazi Germany, who lives with a foster family as […]

Time for some Literary Bling…

22 November, 2013

I’m a little bit of a self-confessed online shop-o-holic (Big Lie Alert…I’m a massive online shopping addict!) So imagine my heart palpitations over this little number that I treated myself to earlier this year. This beautiful handmade necklace is a miniature replica of my all time favourite novel, The Great Gatsby. Given the convenience of, […]