
Wednesday Cover Story – Pulp! The Classics

23 January, 2013

There’s a certain amount of preciousness attached to the sacred words ‘literary classics’ which is understandable considering their longevity . And while I appreciate some of the gorgeous editions that are available (take your pick from any published by the Folio Society for instance), it was great to come across some books that are far from genuflecting […]

Literary Films 2013: Coming Soon

22 January, 2013

Last week I celebrated some of the best literary films out now, but there are many more to look forward to in 2013. There are plenty of bookish films to get us through to spring, especially if you don’t mind watching a bit of teen fantasy. There’ll be zombies in Warm Bodies (8th February) and […]

Attention! Mind the gap and the virtuoso

21 January, 2013

I’m a just little late coming to this article, but back in 2007 The Washington Post did a little experiment involving world-famous violinist Joshua Bell busking incognito at Washington DC’s L’Enfant Plaza metro station. Bell is a virtuoso and he was playing a Stradivarius for which he reportedly paid $3.5 million. He was recognised by […]

Book Purgatory v Book Heaven

18 January, 2013

I’ll admit it. There are books I’ve started and haven’t finished. I’m not proud of it, but it’s true. I always try and give a book the benefit of the doubt, attempting the first five chapters before I cast it aside. Some books just move at a slower pace and need more time to pick […]

Please look after this outfit…

17 January, 2013

There are some great things out there in the ether of the inter-google-web and I’m happy to share one blog that ticks two major internet pastimes of mine: books (of course), and pretty things either of the clothing or accessories variety. Fiction to Fashion satisfies that urge you’ve had to dress up in homage to […]

Wednesday Cover Story: The books in Moonrise Kingdom

16 January, 2013

This past weekend I watched Moonrise Kingdom on DVD. I am not a die-hard Wes Anderson fan, but I enjoyed the mix of odd-ball characters and the quirky charm of the plot which features the innocent romance between misfit Suzy Bishop (pictured above) and boy-scout Sam Shakusky as they attempt to run away together one […]

Inspire us…for some free books!

15 January, 2013

In the A&B office, we’ve been talking about our personal resolutions which range from starting yoga, cooking a new recipe once a week and writing more letters (that’s right, proper letters, with pen and paper and everything), to stop using the Snooze button and using the word ‘discombobulate’ more often. But we’re sure you all […]

Literary Films 2013: Out Now

14 January, 2013

With the cold, dark mornings and the absence of Christmas to make them feel festive, I find there’s not much to get excited about at this time of year. Cinema, however, is one exception. There are some great films out already, and I’m looking forward to even more of them coming soon. And many of […]

How do you choose just one?

11 January, 2013

Since I work in publishing and I studied English Literature, my housemates seem to think I’ve read every book that’s ever been written, from The Bible to War & Peace to The Hungry Caterpillar. I’m afraid that’s not the case. While I love reading and have read many books, there’s still a world of them […]

In a blue mood…

10 January, 2013

It’s January. It’s still ridiculously dark when I emerge from the house each day. And the Christmas decorations have been put away. Boo! To add to my doldrums, a fresh week has brought a fresh announcement of a budget cut. While there are obviously more dire stories out there, the fact that the blue plaque […]

Wednesday Cover Story: The Nicholas Bracewell mystery series

9 January, 2013

What book/s shall get the honour of featuring in the first Wednesday Cover Story for 2013? Well, it’s going to have to be the utterly beautiful designs for the Nicholas Bracewell series by Edward Marston – murder and mystery set around a theatre company in Elizabethan London. The next three books in the series have […]

The World of the Lobbyist…

8 January, 2013

They say that things come in threes.  Good things. Bad things. Buses. And in my case, the recurrent theme is Lobbyists. Over the Christmas break, I watched the brilliant documentary Food Inc. , which I simply must recommend – eye-opening, shocking and important viewing (will be getting the book!).  Anyone who knows me, knows I get […]

Brighten up your Monday with a 99p sale…

7 January, 2013

It’s Monday. And the first full week of work after the Christmas holidays. Bound to be some Monday blues lurking about. Which inevitably means…time to hit the sales for some retail therapy! But no, I hear you say, the post-Christmas bank account can not endure more frivolous spending! Understood. But surely you can spare 99p? […]

My Not-Quite-Resolution for 2013

4 January, 2013

It’s the time of year when everyone’s talking about New Year’s Resolutions – January has only just begun, and the determination to keep fit / try a new hobby / not stuff your face with chocolate is still fresh. Personally, I haven’t really set myself any specific resolutions this year, knowing that trying to stick […]

From Wonderland to Neverland to Theatreland

3 January, 2013

It’s the start of a new year and the office is abrim with optimistic resolutions. Sophie is leading the charge with her post covering exercise (a 10k race on the horizon), self-improvement (more poetry reading) and social (more live music ). Similarly, among my let’s-see-how-long-this-lasts resolutions is to see more theatre in 2013. Working in […]

New Year’s Resolutions!

2 January, 2013

And so here we are, back in the office and with the start of 2013 comes New Year’s resolutions! There are so many things I want to achieve, its hard to narrow it down and keep it realistic. My three main resolutions are: 1. To run a 10K race in spring 2013. My Sunday run […]

Christmas reading: The Radio Times

20 December, 2012

This Christmas time I have accumulated a tottering (or should that be teetering?) TBR pile. And that’s before I get my itchy fingers on any of the obvious books-shaped parcels underneath the tree. But I don’t hold out much hope of crossing many of these beauties off before the end of January for the simple […]

Alternative ways to pick your next reads…

19 December, 2012

I have spent an amazing few weeks here at Allison & Busby (a huge thank you to all theA&B women) and wanted to leave you with this.  CBC Radio has a brilliant show called the Vinyl Café hosted by Stuart Maclean.  Nearly every episode features as its highlight a story about a couple called Dave […]

A Book for Winter

18 December, 2012

Some books are just better in winter. They portray the cold dark nights and frosty winds that keep us huddled indoors. Nothing does this quite the book I am reading now:  Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow, by Peter Høeg. Set in snowy Denmark, the protagonist Smilla Jasperson investigates the death of a young boy using […]

Make Your Envelopes Festive!

17 December, 2012

So, it’s my last blog entry before Christmas, and I feel obliged to include some festive cheer. One thing that got me in the sleigh-bells-and-twinkly-lights mood recently was seeing the new Christmas stamps unveiled by Royal Mail, which I discovered on the BBC website. They’ve been illustrated by Axel Scheffler, famous for his drawings in classic […]

Lost or Made in Translation?

14 December, 2012

I’ve been mulling over a conversation that cropped up in the A&B office a few weeks ago; the issue of translated books. There is the long debated question of whether meaning is lost in translation. It’s not something I can personally testify about since I unfortunately only speak English and rather broken German. But I […]