
World Cup woes..

29 June, 2010

So, that was it then, England’s (belated) exit from the World Cup. Humph, well can everyone now please put away the plethora of flags, please? Yes, even you Mr Cabbie with your rather ingenious St George flap sock contraptions that go over your wing mirrors. In a tournament where England really didn’t dazzle, the few […]

Spotlight on The Lit & Phil

28 June, 2010

The Guardian ran a lovely little piece over the weekend about The Lit & Phil (a.k.a .The Literary & Philosophical Society). It flagged up this Newcastle Library as a wonderful example of a library which has retained its traditional aura as a sort of home outside your home – a place “where you are implicitly […]

Hot Guys Reading Books

25 June, 2010

Are brains and beauty mutually exclusive? And are good-looking men who are well read a complete contradiction? On the search for conclusive evidence to prove this is not the case, this website Hot Guys Reading Books has scaled bookshops, libraries and public transport to get to the bottom of this weighty (and very PC) conundrum… […]

If it was my home.

24 June, 2010

There’s obviously been a lot in the press recently about the BP oil spill, but as with many things, if it isn’t on your doorstep it’s quite easy to be blazé about the impact. Which is why I’m so impressed with this website which puts the spill into startling perspective. Visit and you’ll find […]

Wednesday Cover Story: The new look for Mary Russell…

23 June, 2010

There’s a little frisson of excitement in the office this morning, as the new titles in Laurie R King‘s bestselling Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes series have arrived from the printers…sporting the new cover design which we all adore. I can tell you the screen shots do not do them justice. In fact, I wasn’t […]

Roll up, roll up – get your publishing tour here

22 June, 2010

There are always some novel ideas being floated as to alternative ways for us publishers to make some money. Could marketing a grand tour of our offices could be one of them?  Read this article on Publishing Perspectives. This piece made me smile, though I’m not completely convinced it would work in practice. Yet it […]

Changing Faces

18 June, 2010

How people change… Check this out. Give this familiar-faced darling a guitar and he would have made a respectable frontman for an indie band. Instead, he went into politics. Lara Crisp, Managing Editor

Wednesday Cover Story: In a Strange Room

16 June, 2010

The Hidden Dance – the debut novel by actress Susan Wooldridge – was recently reviewed in The Lady magazine (25th May).  I’ve already raved about the cover to this book here, so I’m not about to repeat myself.  I mention this because I was immediately intrigued by the cover of the book featured next to […]

Tough acts to follow

14 June, 2010

Working on this side of the publishing industry’s fence I know how difficult it can be to be a debut author. There are so many hurdles to cross and people you need to win over, starting with your agent, to your editor, to the all-important sales team (I would say that wouldn’t I?!) before the […]

News from the Morganville Vampire Tour…

11 June, 2010

It doesn’t have to be ALL about the World Cup you know… No, there are other exciting things happening this month – such as the Morganville Vampires 2010 UK Tour. Rachel Caine, bestselling author of the Morganville Vampire series, has been busy for the past two weeks traipsing around the country meeting her legions of […]

Kick-ass Literary Girl Power

10 June, 2010

In a world dominated by Katie Price and Amy Winehouse, it’s sometimes difficult to find good role models for young women. Fear not though, because the Brontë sisters are back as you’ve never seen them before! (For our own gutsy heroines, check out Louise Nightingale in Elizabeth Corley’s books or Charlie Fox in Zoë Sharp’s […]

Wednesday Cover Story: The age-old issue – UK v US covers

9 June, 2010

It seems this is a recurring theme – the comparison between UK and US covers. The Book Butterfly blogger recently featured a post which compared UK and US covers for various hit vampire series. Read the post here. We’ve certainly had plenty of comments about our new look for the Morganville Vampire series with the […]

Sign of the times?

7 June, 2010

Last weekend, I had a lovely but all-too-brief wander through my favourite city, Cambridge. The market square was packed, the sun was (briefly) out and the gorgeous John Lewis (Robert Sayle for those of a certain age it now seems) and Arcade development are still a wonderful novelty to me. As time was quite short, […]

Books and Runner Beans

2 June, 2010

Proof that you don’t need a sprawling garden or allotment in order to grow your own veg, Foyles bookshop on Charing Cross Road has started its very own ‘Urban Garden’ window. Boasting peas, radishes, lettuce and tomatoes, it’s an inspiration to city dwellers and shows you don’t need acres of space to grow your own. […]

Die-hard Kubrick fans alert!

28 May, 2010

If you’re at a loss about what to do this bank holiday weekend, here’s an idea. The Electric Cinema Theatre on Portobello Road is holding a Stanley Kubrick all-nighter . Starting at 11pm, the event kicks off with Full Metal Jacket, followed by the cult classic A Clockwork Orange. Then there’ll be a break for […]

Wednesday Cover Story: The Stephenie Meyer Effect

26 May, 2010

In a recent issue of The Bookseller an eagle-eyed Bookworld buyer wrote in noting the striking similarity between Stephenie Meyer’s The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and Hugh Johnson’s Pocket Wine book. From vampire to viticulture, glass of red anyone? Any other glaringly similar covers taken you by surprise? Lara Crisp, Managing Editor Want […]

What every bride-to-be needs?

25 May, 2010

This August I will have been a ‘Mrs’ for a whole year. And 2010 is a busy one for weddings and I’ll be a bridesmaid for the first time next spring. Should I suggest this cake topper for the bride that has everything already sorted?! Lesley Crooks, Sales & Digital Manager

It’s official: Martin Edwards is the Ultimate Criminal Mastermind

24 May, 2010

I love pub quizzes. I’m absolutely rubbish at them but I do have a competitive streak so enjoy the thrill of trying (albeit in vain) of winning. Apparently, I need coaching from author Martin Edwards. Yesterday Martin won the Criminal Mastermind quiz at Bristol’s CrimeFest for the second year running. He was up against authors […]

My Raw Food Challenge

21 May, 2010

Bar my recent attendance at the launch of the new Saf Restaurant in Kensington, the “raw movement” is probably one of the few culinary arenas I’ve not really explored. So, after browsing on Amazon, I decided to add to my collection of cookbooks the book Ani Phyo’s Raw Food Kitchen. The health benefits of eating […]

Travel tip from me and Muji

20 May, 2010

The summer travel season is coming up and despite the dramas of recent months (recession, strikes, volcanoes, political unrest) no one is cancelling their breaks. If you’re like me and realise just days before you leave that you’re completely unprepared (for the same holiday you booked months beforehand and really did see coming) then Muji […]

Wednesday Cover Story: Air Kisses

19 May, 2010

Air Kisses, by Zoë Foster: This cover makes me want to stare at it for hours. It’s an extremely pretty design. Addicted to Books Blogger Want to flag up a cover for our Wednesday Cover Story? Write to with your thoughts