
Henry VIII lives on…

8 April, 2010

I’ve recently watched The Other Boleyn Girl which I absolutely loved. I suspect my enthusiasm may have stemmed from the rather delicious Eric Bana playing the part of Henry VIII. How someone this good looking could possibly have been cast as the king who in actual fact was rather less pleasing to the eye, is […]

Wednesday Cover Story: New Look for Harry Potter

7 April, 2010

Bloomsbury has announced that they will be rejacketing the entire Harry Potter series this winter to appeal to the ‘next generation of fans’. They are calling it The Signature Look. Great news for the artists and designers behind the revamp, although the first image released doesn’t excite me at all. Am I the only one? […]

Easter cheer and all that

1 April, 2010

It’s Good Friday tomorrow. At least I’m hoping so, because it ain’t such a Good Thursday here in London. We’re seeing the first of the April showers (Spring, oh Spring! Where art thou Spring?!) and a recent fire at the BT Exchange in Paddington (where was the blessed rain then, I ask?) is creating havoc […]

Wednesday Cover Story: The Devil’s in the detail…

31 March, 2010

There are definitely times when I’d happily hang a book cover on my wall or I take to displaying it front cover outwards on the bookshelf and The Children’s Book by A.S. Byatt is definitely one of those. Not only does it ‘fit’ so well with the story inside, of an Edwardian mother and author […]

The Jedward craze continues

29 March, 2010

It’s coming up to Easter – a time to celebrate new life. Spring time means saying goodbye to the old and embracing the new. This would be easier if some things weren’t so persistent. It seems Jedward, the tune-challenged twins from the X Factor, are not only here to stay but they’re branching out into […]

Long live the independent bookshop!

26 March, 2010

These days we are sadly more accustomed to hearing the news of yet another independent bookshop closing, so it’s always heartening to hear news of ones that are thriving, relaunching or opening! This month saw the launch of the Slightly Foxed bookshop on Gloucester Road (formerly known as The Gloucester Road Bookshop). Like the quarterly […]

Turn your spring cleaning into cash!

25 March, 2010

It’s that time of the year when the daffs are out, the mornings are brighter and the sunshine streaming through the windows convinces you it’s truly spring – and also highlights the need to clean the windows…  Yes, it’s Spring Cleaning Time. Now, I’m a complete hoarder and it takes a lot to convince me […]

Wednesday Cover Story: Remarkable Creatures, by Tracy Chevalier

24 March, 2010

I have a soft spot for book covers. I’m the first to admit that I’ve been coaxed into reading a book purely on the basis of its cover.  Or indeed been put off by it. And I know I’m not the only one.  So, I’ve decided to run a regular slot each week: Wednesday’s Cover […]

Chips with everything!

22 March, 2010

About this time last year, when the snow was thick on the streets of London, I walked to work through some eerily quiet streets – pleasant crunching of white underfoot. Until that is, I neared Tottenham Street and my path onward was hampered by tape and a policeman directing me back the other way. Gigs, […]

Recommending War Horse

18 March, 2010

Last night I went to see War Horse.  If you enjoy the theatre and haven’t seen it yet, all I can say is: Go see it.  It is so wonderfully original, so very moving, and of course, there are the wonderful horses. These beasts, made of wire, paper and wood, are brought to life on […]

Eat like the Irish on St Patrick’s Day

17 March, 2010

Being the resident foodie at Allison & Busby, it may not suprise you to know that I am on Delicious Magazine‘s mailing list. Today, they sent me an email highlighting various Irish recipes with which to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Aptly entitled: Enjoy the tuck of the Irish… You have to love copywriters and their […]

Introducing The Reader Organisation

16 March, 2010

A few weeks ago I was chatting to one of our lovely work experience candidates when she mentioned that she’d been working for The Reader Organisation. I’d never heard of it before and what she told me had me so intrigued I had to find out more. So I had a look on their website […]

A little bit of what you fancy does you good

15 March, 2010

Calling all sweet-toothed individuals – have you reached the point in the day (mid-morning or afternoon slump) when you’re not sure you’ll be able to keep your head off your desk without an injection of sugar? Well, I have the answer, having fallen head over heels for Peyton and Burne. Our nearest emporium of sugary […]

Vote for the oddest book title!

11 March, 2010

Here’s to weird book titles! Time to vote for who you think should win the 2009 Diagram Prize – which awards the book with the oddest title of the year. The shortlist has been selected and the winner will be announced on the 26th March. The shortlist is as follows: The Changing World of Inflammatory […]

Too cool for the simple garden gnome?

10 March, 2010

I don’t often read the free London papers, just when I’m stuck without a book usually, but while crammed onto the Central Line the other day, I (really) couldn’t avoid reading over one girl’s shoulder. Apparently the average garden gnome is going to have his work cut out for him this coming year as a […]

Author Blog Awards – Nominations Open!

9 March, 2010

The Author Blog Awards competition is now officially open! For a brief summary of how the competition works read our previous blog about the awards or visit You can now nominate your favourite author blogs or micro-blogs (from now until 2 April) to give them a chance of being shortlisted for the awards. It’s […]

Discovering Columbia Road Market

8 March, 2010

I’m a west Londoner but I have to admit to a real love for the east end of town. This past weekend I visited a friend near Brick Lane who took me to perhaps my favourite part of London, Columbia Road Market. It took me a while to get there, arrived quite late at 1pm, […]

Drink to get more children reading!

5 March, 2010

Who doesn’t enjoy curling up on the couch with a good book and a glass of good wine? The two go together nicely and make for a relaxing evening. But now I’ve discovered how wine and books can pair up for a much more worthy cause. The Fledgling initiative aims to produce and sell delicious […]

Mindfulness and the Big Poster Challenge

4 March, 2010

For some reason, my name seems to have found its way onto an online database under Creative Director. Now that’s a fine title to possess, but sadly I can’t claim to hold such official creative prowess. (Would the A* in my Art IGCSE count?…) So whilst I have to disappoint the illustrators, photographers and creative […]

The Olympics – now coming to a city near you

2 March, 2010

So the winter Olympics have come to a roaring, cow-bell-clanging end. I watched some heart-breaking moments involving heavy rain and a defective exit gate on the men’s parallel giant slalom on Saturday and was quite gobsmacked that it wasn’t considered necessary to restart the run between Detkov and Bozzetto – am I the only one? […]

A London Cuppa..

1 March, 2010

I’ve recently cut out caffeine and although I never used to drink more than a cup or two a day, I’m really missing my tea! There’s only so much hot water and lemon you can drink and even the fruit teas are beginning to lose their appeal. So I’m searching for other ways to brighten […]