
Something to procrastinate with…

25 September, 2009

Bored? Try this for some lighthearted release: Kind regards, Rip Rascal (Lara Crisp, Managing Editor)

Another recommendation from Oz

24 September, 2009

My favourite restaurant in Sydney has got to be the Doyles in Watson Bay – a well-known but unpretentious restaurant perched next to a lovely little suburban beach, from where you have a lovely view of the Harbour Bridge in the distance as you tuck into fresh seafood. I can’t say I have explored much the menu – simpy because […]

Fancy making an audiobook?

23 September, 2009

I’ve come across an interesting site – A site which aims to make all public domain books available as free audio books (that means books published before 1923…) and what’s more, you can release your own recordings. So if you’ve ever fancied reading chapters for audio yourself, here’s your chance – become a volunteer […]

Liking this new Etihad airline

22 September, 2009

A blog from Down Under. Yes, I’m writing this from Sydney, Australia (and before you ask yourself what in God’s name I am doing on a computer when I am in this gorgeous city and on holiday – the answer is: jet lag. It’s 5am and options are limited. It’s either whiling away time on […]

Thoughts on The Shawshank Redemption play

21 September, 2009

In my blog post a few blogs ago, I said I was going to see Shawshank Redemption at the theatre. Well, I saw it, and it did not disappoint. I was worried that I would simply be seeing the film replicated on stage (and a poorer version at that) but I was very impressed with […]

I love

17 September, 2009

Today I’d like to share my favourite blog with you. It’s called If you think London’s a grey place to be, think again. Weebirdy introduces you to the cool and the quirky, the colourful and the mad. I’m in love. I could try to sum it all up in wordy fashion but I think […]

Anyone else planning to strike?

16 September, 2009

Seriously – what is it with all the strikes at the moment? Royal Mail has been fizzling on and off like a reluctant light bulb and I’ve just had an email from National Express saying there’s likely to be another train strike for all of next week. Watch this space, I may have intrepid adventures […]

How will The Shawshank Redemption suit the stage?

15 September, 2009

The Shawshank Redemption is my all-time favourite movie. I have watched it countless times. I have read the novella it is based on by Stephen King – called Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption and to be found in the collection Different Seasons. I have bought the original screenplay which is interesting since (unlike many screenplays you buy […]

The first of the A&B ebooks!

14 September, 2009

Trumpets! Confetti! General jubilation! Congratulate us one and all for Allison & Busby has just put a toe in the digital book waters with the release of five titles as ebooks – all available from and The five books are: Glass Houses by Rachel Caine Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine Mariana by […]

Mixed emotions watching 9/11 documentary

11 September, 2009

It’s been eight years to this day since the horrific events of 9/11. In the run up to this tragic anniversary Channel 4 have been running several documentaries to mark and remember that fateful day and I caught the middle of 9/11 – Phone Calls from the Towers. Listening to the voices of those trapped in […]

A £1million laughing matter…

10 September, 2009

News has it that Penguin (Michael Joseph) has signed up an autobiographical book by Michael McIntyre – the man of the moment in the UK comedy circles. Personally I think he’s hilarious. I saw him live at The Lyric in Hammersmith (before he hit stardom), I bought the DVD Live and Laughing and I series-linked […]

Only on the internet…

9 September, 2009

No one will argue that there is a lot of random stuff floating about the internet. And such an example is this: a website that tells you when you can safely duck out to the loos during a movie so that you won’t miss much! If you don’t believe me – click here. Taking some […]

What would the Land Girls say about Land Girls?

8 September, 2009

Those of you that have followed our blog over the past months will remember us telling you about the flurry of calls we got from people wanting to order a copy of Muddy Boots and Silk Stockings – about the Land Girls. No doubt many of them will also be watching the new period drama […]

The thrill of the ride!

7 September, 2009

This Sunday I had the pleasure of trying wakeboarding at The Princes Club for the first time. No, sorry I lie. I went knee boarding – the beginners version. For anyone who doesn’t know what this is, it involves you grabbing hold of a rope attached to a fast-moving cable (and when I say fast, […]

The Curzon Group v Dan Brown…

3 September, 2009

Anyone who’s a bit tired of the Dan Brown hoopla (count me in) will enjoy this… Love the butter. Any other DB inspired titles/themes you can think of? Chiara Priorelli, Publicity Manager

Meerkats v Penguins

2 September, 2009

No doubt I’m the last person to cotton on to this but did you know that the truly brilliant advertisers for featuring the squeaky Russian meerkat Aleksandr have actually set up a ‘real’ website? Genius. The meerkat is officially this year’s loveable creature – penguins are so passé – and these marketing guys […]

Amateur running tips…

1 September, 2009

Lately, I have taken up running again. Mainly, I’ll admit, because my boyfriend has been training for 10k races and my competitive side feels the need to prove I am equally as fit. (I’m ignoring the fact that Reality is laughing in my competitive ego’s face.) Anyway, I knew I would need three things to […]

Online PR faux pas

27 August, 2009

Considering I’m a a relative newby in terms of exploring the realms of online PR, it’s a comfort to know there are others who don’t always have it down pat either. I came across this interesting article – click here – which I intend to study meticulously… Why learn the hard way through your own […]

Killer narrators…

26 August, 2009

There are hundreds of thousands of crime/thriller/mystery books in the world with murderous goings on (many of which we publish I might add…) but how many of these books are actually narrated by the killers themselves? Well,  Richard Jay Parker has come up with a few of his favourites here on Flashlight Worthy. It’s a […]

Post-wedding bells!

25 August, 2009

Hello all! Here I am bouncing back onto the blog fully refreshed, rejuvenated and renamed! Finally I have become Mrs Crooks and am looking forward immensely to never having to give table plans or flower arrangements any attention ever again. Phew! With all this loved-up cheer (only slightly battered after the first encounter with my […]

The Brixton Bard and another Tap Natch Poet

24 August, 2009

Whilst most writers give talks at bookshops and libraries, Brixton-born Jamaican writer Alex Wheatle (acclaimed author of the cult classic Brixton Rock and the more recent Island Songs) is a regular speaker at schools and prisons. Inspiring young offenders and students with his background and story and encouraging them to read books and express themselves […]