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Murder at the Louvre


E-book, E-Book (USA), Hardback, Paperback


Author Jim Eldridge
Rights World English
ISBN 9780749029975
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Paris, 1899. Abigail Wilson has received an invitation from Professor Alphonse Flamand, a prominent French Professor of Archaeology, to join him on a dig in Egypt. Overjoyed to be presented with such an opportunity, Abigail and her husband, Daniel, travel to Paris to meet the Professor to discuss plans.

However, when Abigail goes to the appointment at his office in the Louvre, she finds Flamand dead with a knife in his chest. In a whirl of confusion and despite her pleas of innocence, Abigail is arrested. Determined to prove that she has been framed for Flamand’s brutal murder, the Museum Detectives will delve far into the shadowy corners of the City of Light for the truth.

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