This week movie-goers have been enjoying release of the much-anticipated The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Martin Scorsese. The film is based on Jordan Belfort’s memoirs of the same, depicting his hedonistic and scandalous time as a corrupt banker on Wall Street. Scorsese is widely seen as one of film’s […]

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Earlier this month there was a piece in the Evening Standard about Dido Belle, the black Londoner who helped end black slavery in Britain (in light of the upcoming film Belle which will hit cinemas in the UK this spring). A spotlight on a remarkable woman, and a very interesting article which begins so:  ‘Among the […]

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Tipped as the new Homeland, Hostages (helpfully similar sounding), on Channel 4, is my new favourite winter drama. It began earlier this month with a stellar cast- Toni Collette playing a mother and doctor faced with a world-changing decision, and Dylan McDermott- portrayed as both loving father and terrorist, and whose identity as a ‘goody’ […]

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I often read or hear about a book and then make a mental note to track down a copy. But sometimes, no matter how interesting the book sounds, I fail to remember the title or it’s author. This was the case recently with an illustrated book I was trying to find – all I could […]

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There is really only one way to deal with a cold and chilly winter. 1. Stay indoors and get comfortable under your favourite blanket. 2. Choose a pertinent novel set in the dead of winter (pun intended) so you don’t lose the wintry atmosphere but can feel doubly snug and smug at the fact that […]

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Win a signed copy of the chilling thriller by Elizabeth Corley

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For three months of last year, I was a commuter. I didn’t change from comfy shoes when I got into the office but I did have a ‘spot’ on the platform, which I liked to wait at, opposite some ornamental graffiti. Whilst my regional network provider was one of my least favourite people on the […]

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You’ve heard of 3D printers, right? Over the past year these clever machines have been cropping up in the news as they’ve churned out the mundane (dental work) to the sinister (a functioning gun). But finally someone has brought 3D print back to it’s roots of books. Check out this limited edition slipcase for Chang-Rae […]

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Now that Christmas is over, the January sales are under way. There are several things I’ve had my eye on but in the run up to Christmas, it’s difficult to justify spending £30 on a quirky cushion for myself. But thankfully with the New Year comes more price slashing and I can finally afford to decorate […]

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Sherlock concluded its third mysterious and marvellous series last night and the Sherlock fever is palpable in the air. Since Benedict Cumberbatch first donned the deer hunter hat and dark collar, a new generation of Sherlock was reborn. Cleverly coaxing Conan Doyle’s adventures into every day modern life has been a triumph of all three […]

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Every year I jump on the New Year’s resolution bandwagon and promise to make a few positive changes. I can’t even remember the ones I made last year which is a testament to how unrealistic or unimaginative they were. So this year I’ve resolved to keep up things I’ve already been doing such as attending […]

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What is it about celebrity that is just so fascinating? I’m not an avid Twitter follower, celebrity magazine reader or watcher of reality television, but every so often a celebrity comes along and I will hang off their every word and watch or listen to their entire back catalogue over and over. Sometimes our famous […]

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If you loved The Lavender Keeper, by Fiona McIntosh then you’ll be one of those readers waiting impatiently for the sequel. The French Promise will be out in March, but to whet your appetite, here’s a sneak peak of the cover as Christina’s just finished designing it. Et voilà… For those who have yet to […]

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We’re a whole week into 2014 and I wonder how many of you are feeling a little on the guilty side as good intentions begin to slide? So how about taking the finger-wagging spectre out of this year’s resolution and make it positive goal which, dare I say it, you might actually enjoy. For instance, […]

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As we gear up for the Academy Awards season, the talk of the moment is 12 Years a Slave – a film which will hit UK cinemas on 28 January and  follows the story of Solomon Northup, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in the 1840s.  Already nominated for seven Golden Globes, critics appear […]

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I’ve just been working on  what will be A&B’s new edition of  Love & Death: The Murder of Kurt Cobain, by Max Wallace and Ian Halperin (out March 2014) which is an investigation into the suicide of the rock legend. The two investigative journalists believe he was murdered and set out to prove it with […]

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I’d just driven through something not dissimilar to a hurricane with my brother and sister, fairly pleased with my near rally-driving skill on route to our mum’s in Surrey, and I was quite ready for a cup of tea and some prime Christmas TV. But as we bundled our soggy selves through the door, the […]

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My true love sent to me… Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “of the effigy.” Now you should have the complete quote! (Read the previous posts if you are missing any clues) and you can  enter our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway now to win all twelve books!

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My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “marble hands” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

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My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “in the cold” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

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My true love sent to me… Win all the books in our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway – find out how here. Today’s snippet from The Mischief of the Mistletoe: “perched” Find the previous clue in yesterday’s blog post.  Next instalment tomorrow…

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