Saturday 15 September, 1.00pm – 2.00pm   WATERSTONES, NEWPORT Come and meet acclaimed author Catrin Collier who will be chatting to customers and signing copies of her new paperback set in Pontypridd, Bobby’s Girl, at Waterstones, 159 Commercial Street, Newport, NP20 1JQ . For more information contact the store on 0843 290 8507.

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We are moving offices soon so there’s a great deal of ruthless clearing out and decluttering going on at A&B. We have been at Charlotte Mews for almost seven years now and we love this area (Susie, for its proximity to The Groucho; Chiara for the amazing foodie spots in the area, Christina for the […]

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This summer has been oddly full of excitement and exertion of various kinds. We’ve win enough Olympic medals to fill a double scull, Fifty Shades of Grey has gotten the nation more than a little hot under the collar and there have been unconfirmed sightings of even myself at the gym. But sanity does seem […]

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We’ve already waxed lyrical about illustrator Andrew Davidson who produces the beautiful woodcut artwork for Jaqueline Winspear‘s  Maisie Dobbs covers. But we have a new favourite now – the sombre tone and striking image for the cover to Elegy for Eddie (out next month). We had the extra pleasure, in this case, of seeing his […]

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In an office made up of women, it’s probably not suprising that Bradley Cooper  should come up in conversation. But before you think our discussion didn’t evolve past the word “Yum”, I will quickly say that our conversation did not, in fact, involve any lascivious comments (akin to those spoken by men watching beach volleyball […]

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At the moment I’m reading Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, and have just realised that the new film adaptation is out on 7th September. Being only halfway through the (massive) book, I need to get a move on! I’m determined to finish before watching the film, which looks promising – with a cast of Keira Knightley, Aaron […]

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For me, now travelling avec enfant, there are other considerations that affect my search too. Trendy hotspots Mykonos, Ibiza and Puerto Banus are now off the list. There’ll be no more hobnobbing with celebs, dancing till dawn and… matching my bikini to my reading list as the Huffington Post recommends here: Book Bikini Matching. But […]

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The upcoming release of Killing the Emperors (the new satirical crime novel by Ruth Dudley Edwards featuring in the line of fire: the world of conceptual art) has had us girls in the office talking about the value, or lack of, (therein lies the debate) of modern art, the likes of Damien Hirst, the Turner […]

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Two weeks ago we asked you to guess the colour of the border on the cover to the upcoming Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes book Garment of Shadows, by Laurie R King – to get in with a chance of winning a copy of the book. Since then we’ve been inundated with a diverse range […]

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We’ve been spoiled for Team GB achievements these past weeks: our cup of golden glory runneth over. And it’s in the light of this success that I read some of the responses online to the ‘official’ ten most difficult books as proposed by literary site The Millions on Publisher’s Weekly. If you like scaling the […]

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Over the past two Olympic weeks we’ve seen Team GB collect a hoard of gold medals, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that many were won by women – according to The Guardian, 36% of all medals (at the time of writing) were collected by female athletes. Still not the 50% we’re striving for, […]

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‘Write about what you know’ they always say. Pfft. Look at me, I’m going to write about art about which I know next to nothing. Our author Ruth Dudley Edwards knows quite a bit about it though, and in her upcoming book Killing the Emperors (available in November) she courts controversy with a very unforgiving […]

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Everyone’s talking so much about the Olympics, and Great Britain’s gold run, that they’ve forgotten about another of GB’s gems that’s going on right now – the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. London’s not the only capital to have seen a sudden influx. But while we’ve got all the athletes, Edinburgh’s got all the thespians.  I greatly […]

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Come and meet Anna Dean, author of the acclaimed Dido Kent mystery series, who will be signing copies of her books, including her new hardback A Place of Confinement at Waterstones in Carlisle on Saturday 8th September, 11am – 1pm.

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Come and meet acclaimed author Catrin Collier who will be signing copies of her new paperback Bobby’s Girl (set in Pontypridd) at WHSmith in Pontypridd on Saturday 25 August, 12noon – 1.30pm

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PART OF BLOODY SCOTLAND – Scotland’s International Crime Writing Festival, 14 – 16 September STIRLING HIGHLAND HOTEL Saturday 15 September, 10.30 – 11.30am Alex Gray has always wanted to weave in the life of a female pathologist ever since her first visit to Glasgow City Mortuary. Her initial experience of a post mortem examination and […]

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As you all of course know today is World Cat Day! Or perhaps I’m the only one who’s accidentally strayed across this fact…  And in spite of being a little allergic to cats, I do think we should take the opportunity to celebrate our feline friends in this week’s Wednesday Cover Story. To begin, take […]

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Having just spent a week in Marbella, home away from home to TOWIE ‘stars’ and WAGs, I was fully expecting to see acres of Fifty Shades books on the beach.  In past years the beautiful, and much-maligned, Costa del Sol town has been a great guage of what the world is reading.  Two summers ago […]

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From that title I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought I was about to extol the properties of some flashy new app or ebook release complete with flashing lights, theme tune and a long list of interactive / social media functions. Well, I’m not. I’m going old-school. I had a lovely break last week which […]

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I get sent a lot of emails from graphic designers or illustration agencies promoting their work (I think I’m on a listing somewhere…) but one graphic that did catch my eye this week was actually sent through by an American website… summarising reading statistics in one eye-catching visual presentation.   Created by: Now […]

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Now that the Olympics have really begun, I find I’m feeling less pessimistic about it all. I was certain that, despite Danny Boyle, the opening ceremonies would be a let down, but actually I was impressed. They paired James Bond and the Queen as a skydiving duo, and there was a giant Voldemort – I […]

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