Monday 5th March, 6.00pm WATERSTONES, EDINBURGH. Come and meet Glaswegian crime writer Alex Gray, author of Shadow of Sounds and A Small Weeping. She will be reading from her new and much anticipated book A Pound of Flesh and signing copies afterwards at Waterstones, 128 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4AD. Free tickets, available from the […]

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Saturday 3rd March, 12.00PM-1.30PM WATERSTONES, GLASGOW. Come and meet Glaswegian crime writer Alex Gray, author of Shadow of Sounds and A Small Weeping. She will be reading from her new and much anticipated book A Pound of Flesh and signing copies afterwards at Waterstones, 47 Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow G51 4BP.This event is not ticketed […]

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Saturday 3rd March, 12.00PM-1.30PM WATERSTONES, GLASGOW. Come and meet Glaswegian crime writer Alex Gray, author of Shadow of Sounds and A Small Weeping. She will be reading from her new and much anticipated book A Pound of Flesh and signing copies afterwards at Waterstones, 47 Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow G51 4BP. This event is not […]

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Thursday 1st March, 6.00pm-8.00pm WATERSTONES, GLASGOW. Come and meet Glaswegian crime writer Alex Gray, author of Shadow of Sounds and A Small Weeping. She will be reading from her new and much anticipated book A Pound of Flesh and signing copies afterwards at Waterstones, 153-157 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3EW.Tickets are free, please reserve beforehand […]

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On my usual route home via Waterloo, I passed Sleeping Beauty somewhere between Platform 9 and 10. And I mean that quite literally. Propped in the middle of the bustling station was a plush bed, with a very real sleeping beauty comfortably esconced under the covers. It was all part of the promotion for the […]

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The numbers of Kindles on my route to work has burgeoned since the Christmas holidays. Quelle surprise, you may rightly say, but what threw this into focus this week was a wonderful surprise gift: a first edition of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell signed both by the author Susanna Clarke and the illustrator Portia Rosenberg. […]

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I bought this collection of short stories by Tibor Fischer, some years ago and must admit, purchased it solely on the basis of the title – the most blatant and yet brilliant marketing ploy I’ve ever seen. It’s a challenge, encouraging you to think: ‘well, I’ll prove to you I’m not stupid by reading it!’. […]

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In honour of today, Pancake Day, an excuse to share a pertinent poem from one of my all-time-favourite books by illustrator-and-poet Shel Silvertein (as featured in his collection Where the Sidewalk Ends). Happy eating! Chiara Priorelli, Publicity & Online Marketing Manager

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Wednesday 21 March, 7.00pm for 7.30pm start   THE OLIVE TREE, ELY Come and meet Mary Nichols, who will be celebrating the launch of her new book The Girl on the Beach by giving a talk and taking questions from the audience, at The Olive Tree Church, Silver Street , Ely, Cambridgeshire , CB7 4JF. […]

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Tuesday 27 March, 6.30pm    BLACKWELL’S, EDINBURGH Come and meet Alanna Knight who will be celebrating the launch of the new book in her acclaimed Rose mcQuinn crime series, Deadly Legacy, at Blackwell’s, 53-59 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1YS. For more information contact the bookshop on 0131 622 8222 and please rsvp to the event by […]

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Q. I have recently discovered your Railway Detective books and am thoroughly enjoying reading them. They are obviously well researched but I have a question regarding the residence of Caleb and Madeleine Andrews. I was born and brought up in this area which we always referred to as Camden Town. The term Camden appeared to […]

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Stock up on flour and eggs, and don’t forget the lemons! Tomorrow, 21 February, is Shrove Tuesday, otherwise known as Pancake Day. And the day is not simply celebrated in the kitchen, but all around London as well. There are an assortment of Pancake races happening throughout the city, including the Parliamentary Pancake Race, which […]

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Some people spend hours trawling YouTube and watching all sorts of weird and wonderful videos out there. I’m not one of them. But this particular video was brought to my attention (now a YouTube sensation, especially after his stint on the Today show in America) and deserves to be shared. This talented 23-year-old, Kevin Olusola, […]

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The new stage production of Alfie (based on the novel by A&B author Bill Naughton) is ending its run at the Octagon Theatre in Bolton this week (18 February), before moving on the New Vic Theatre, Newcastle-under-Lyne (22 February) and beyond.  See full listings here… We have an obvious connection to the stage show seeing […]

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So how are we all today? Regretting those calorie-laden chocolates and unimpressed by the already-wilting flowers? Well, a good love story never gets old, so in (belated) honour of Valentine’s Day Allison & Busby are delighted to offer a selection of our best romance novels at 99p (in their digital formats) for a limited time […]

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Like many people, I’m not really that interested in Valentine’s Day. I don’t want to sound like a bitter single person, but there’s definitely a part of me that doesn’t see the point in the roses, overly gushy greeting cards and insanely overcrowded restaurants. Valentine’s Day does, however, give me the excuse for a good […]

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We all know that there are book prizes of all shapes and sizes: genre-specific awards from organizations like the CWA and RNA (and speaking of – Mary Nichols just been shortlisted for the RoNA Rose Award!); debut awards that shine a light on exciting and fresh new authors; the literary equivalents of those slightly po-faced […]

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Last night we enjoyed a merry evening at the lovely Goldsboro Books celebrating the launch of John Wilcox‘s eighth book in his acclaimed Simon Fonthill series, The War of the Dragon Lady.  And here are a few snaps from the night. The Man of the Moment – sporting a conspicuous suntan, having just returned from […]

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This week is World Orphan Week (6 – 12 February) and so, it seems like a pertinent time to help raise awareness with our own literary spin on the matter and pay tribute to our favourite orphan: the inimitable Mary Russell – otherwise known as Sherlock Holmes’ post-Watson-crime-solving-partner, and wife. You can join Russell and […]

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Whilst recently browsing the reviews on I Love A Mystery I was struck by the eye-catching cover to At the End of the Road, by Grant Jerkins – love the colours, the layout, the bird overlapping the text, and the general atmospheric image. And, I like how they’ve played with presentation of the book as […]

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(For Part One click here) Walking around the city of London on a weekday evening, it’s not all that surprising that I start feeling peckish. Even after a long day, I can’t entirely blame this on my propensity to think of my stomach, as in addition to the obvious cafés and fast food places on […]

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