Apparently Jedward’s autobiography has been signed by John Blake.  Remember them? The jumpy twins who got their hair styling tips from There’s Something About Mary? To the top of my must-read list it goes… Lara Crisp, Managing Editor

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It is an obvious fact that book covers follow certain trends with new books mimicking the look of the current bestsellers. It’s a way of helping readers recognise a similar kind of book, or indeed (for the more cynical of you) a way to encourage them to think “I’m going to be getting something similar […]

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We’re all used to hearing news stories every year about the shiny new words that have had the official stamp of acceptance by the English language and have made it into one of the dictionaries. Just the other day, chillax made headlines as it was welcomed into the Oxfrod Dictionary of English (how a word […]

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Last night I watched the film Blindness – about an epidemic that spreads through a city causing people to suddenly go blind. It is a harrowing story that follows a group of people infected with blindness who have been quarantined and abbandoned in an asylum – a place which quickly descends into squallor and where […]

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Lancashire Libraries has been focusing on crime fiction and true crime this year, recommending a variety of books in all crime sub-genres (from classic crime to psychological thrillers), hosting special author events and organising other (legal of course) crime-related activities… And here’s the latest: Crime-writer Zoë Sharp, author of the hugely acclaimed thrillers featuring female […]

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Yesterday I left home to go to work, got to Wimbledon station and then realised I’d left my travel card at home, in the pocket of another jacket. Arrrgh! Great start to the day. I am forced to text my colleagues to admit my oversight, letting them know I have to head home again so […]

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I can’t make my mind up as to whether I like this cover or not. It is certainly eye-catching and original with the 3D effect of the lettering – it certainly stands out. However, whilst I can appreciate the design concept in itself, I’m not sure I actually like it as a book cover for […]

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The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is in full swing at the moment and our very own professional zombologist, Dr Dale, is there with his show (the brand new seminar) How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse RELOADED. I’ve seen the show and thought it was hilarious! But just so you know I’m not biased, this is what […]

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That’s your lot people, we’re fresh out of summer. According to my mother (obviously your first port of call for a long-range weather forecast) we might even have snow in the next month. So, this weekend wasn’t the best bet for a trip to the seaside, but nevertheless that’s what I found myself doing on […]

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Wednesday 18th August, 2.00-3.00pm        BLACKWELL’S, EDINBURGH If you’re passing by Blackwell’s (53-59 South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1YS) don’t be surprised to see zombie expert Dr Dale as part of the window display. Oh yes! This is your chance to meet the founder of the School of Survival, leader of the interactive seminar How to Survive […]

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Last year we published the uniquely memorable book One Foot Wrong, by Sofie Laguna – a novel both exceedingly dark and exceedingly beautiful, and the kind which lingers with you once you’ve turned the last page. It was (as we never failed to say to anyone we’d speak to about it) unlike anything we’d read […]

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Earlier this week, I watched the movie Julie & Julia – in which Meryl Streep brilliantly plays the larger-than-life character and American National Treasure, Julia Child. Being the food-lover that I am, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie – not least because I grew up seeing the Joy of Cooking (mentioned several times in the movie […]

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Not long ago I wandered into Waterstone’s on Gower Street over lunch and lo and behold, who was sitting there merrily signing books, but Life of Pi author Yann Martel. Admittedly, Beatrice and Virgil has not set the publishing world alight, but the author looked unperturbed, happily watching customers stroll past, seemingly unbothered by the […]

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The People’s Friend magazine recently picked A Moment of Silence as their Book Club choice for July (including a reader offer if the public bought the book direct from us) and we’ve since been bombarded with calls, cheques and online purchases of said book. Besides the obvious thrill of knowing the moment one of our […]

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A few stories have caught my eye recently about publicity stunts in public places, many of which were in New York city (co-incidence? You decide.) First of all, a troupe of improv actors are trying to brighten up everyone’s day by acting out scenes from famous films. Read more here… I don’t know about anyone […]

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As I thumbed through my free copy of Stylist on the tube yesterday, I came across a rather surprising news story. Apparently, teenagers across the United States have been flocking to cosmetic dentists this summer in order to get….vampire veneers. Yes, you heard right – that’s fangs – at $200 (£135) a pop. The result […]

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Zoe Sharp’s acclaimed thriller series, featuring ex-Special Forces soldier turned bodyguard, Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Fox, has been optioned by Twentieth Century Fox TV.

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Some book covers delight readers, others disappoint, and more often than not there are mixed views on the same one – some like it, some don’t. It’s par for the course. What you don’t expect, is for readers to reaction so strongly to a cover that they set up a petition to change it! but […]

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…when not scribbling away on her latest Miss Dido Kent mystery, our author Anna Dean works as a guide showing visitors around William Wordsworth’s house, Dove Cottage?  And it looks like it’s going to be a busy summer in Grasmere: poetry workshops, free talks (focusing on the Lake District as seen through the eyes of […]

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Wednesday 18 August, 7.30pm    LUDLOW CASTLE For the third year running, Ludlow Castle will be the venue for an evening with eight notable crime writers: Kate Charles, Ann Cleeves, Kate Ellis, Penelope Evans, Sophie Hannah, Priscilla Masters, Phil Rickman and Marcia Talley. Tickets £5, including a glass of wine, are available from Castle Bookshop, Ludlow […]

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Doom Bar, Iron Horse and Smild (the latter probably accurately pronounced with a bit of a slur). ‘Why are you throwing these strange words at us Lesley’, you may very well ask, ‘what on earth are they? ‘Beers, of course’, would be my worldly and slightly superior reply. About a week ago I enjoyed a […]

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