Thursday 19th November, 7.00pm  Henley-on-Thames Tania Crosse, author of  numerous novels including Lily’s Journey, has been nominated for the Sue Ryder Care Women of Achievement Awards 2009 in the Arts category. The awards celebrate the success of women from across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire and the winner will be announced at the Awards evening with […]

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A reprise from Chiara’s post last week about Apple Macs Vs. PCs: I am currently on the horns of a dilemma. To buy iPhone, or not to buy iPhone? Can I survive impending family Christmas with not only my brother but my sister-in-law-to-be showing off the latest  apps that they have downloaded? Can I bear […]

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I think we’ve seen the last of the fireworks (a brilliant display nearby our offices last night which we watched out of our skylight) and the end of the mild weather is now official. But before we descend into blueness and think hibernation is our only option, consider this little special which is sure to […]

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The other day came across this quirky blog, Shopping Losts, that turns people’s shopping lists into a little gem of design. As I admired these small pieces of work, I couldn’t help wondering who had owned each shopping list. Did it belong to a man or a woman? What kind of person likes pizza, frozen […]

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This certainly tops my list of unorthodox reviews for one of our books… In this week’s issue of Pick Me Up magazine there is a story about a woman who was attacked by some machete-wielding robbers who locked her in an industrial container for nine-hours… How did she pass the time? By reading the book Shooting Elvis, […]

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I’m planning to buy a new laptop, and whilst I have always been a PC girl, I am seriously considering going for a Macbook this time. The main reason is the virus issue. Apparently Macs just don’t get viruses – whereas my previous laptop, well, that’s exactly what killed it. Death by Trojan. I had […]

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Wednesday 24th March, 7.45pm WITHAM LIBARY, ESSEX Edward Marston, author of the acclaimed Railway Detective series will be speaking about Historical Detective Fiction at the Dorothy L Sayers Society Annual Lecture at Witham Library, Essex. The talk is part of the Essex Book Festival and open to everyone. Tickets will be available as of January […]

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Tuesday 2nd March, 7.00pm HIGHGATE LIBRARY, LONDON N19 Crime-writer Alison Joseph, author of the popular Sister Agnes crime series, will be speaking at Highgate Library, Chester Road, London as part of the Haringey Literary Festival. For more information contact Wendy Bradshaw on 020 8489 1429

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(There’s never a lack of puns when it comes to talking about crime-fiction books. I’ve tried my own take on the CWA website’s headline which reads “Fancy a stab at crime-writing?” Another option was “Would you murder for a chance to win the Debut Dagger?” The possibilties abound. Feel free to suggest others.) But I […]

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The hugely acclaimed novel One Foot Wrong, by Sofia Laguna is pipped to the award post by Nam Le’s The Boat.

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Our offices are just a few minutes walk from Oxford Circus – where they’ll be turning on the Christmas lights tonight with the usual fanfare including street performances. And although I’m dreading the tube journey home (despite the rain there are always thousands of people flocking to these things), I’m secretly a real Christmas nut […]

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You have to have lived on a different planet the past few years not to have heard about Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestselling memoir. Recent photos have been in the paper this weekend of Julia Roberts who plays the part of Gilbert in the film of the same name due out next year.  Click […]

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Rebecca Tope launches the next book in her hugely popular Cotswold mystery series at Waterstone’s, Gloucester, this Thursday 26th November.

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Think again. Check out Scott Cummings’ amazing pumpkin sculptures. He’s a junior school teacher in Texas who just does this in his spare time and apparently it only takes him one hour, maximum two. If this inspires you to try your hand at something similar, atleast you’ve got two days till Halloween… For a pumpkin […]

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The movie This is It hits cinemas today (for two weeks only). It’s the footage of Michael Jackson’s rehearsals for the 2009 concert tour he never got the chance to perform. The trailer claims that it’s the movie “the world has been waiting for” and that would normally pass as the over-hyped-up spiel of blockbuster […]

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The alarm on my mobile has just gone off (and scared the hell out of me, I might add) with a reminder that it is one of my friend’s birthday today. Brilliant! I have now dutifully emailed her a Happy Birthday e-card and proved myself to be A Good Friend. Left to my own natural […]

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To celebrate a special occasion this weekend, my husband whisked me off on a romantic weekend break to a little village in Suffolk called Lavenham. He’d read an article in The Times recommending special places to visit in the UK and The Great House in medieval Lavenham, boasting superb cuisines and numerous awards had been […]

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Saturday 21st November, 9am-1pm THE SWAN, LAVENHAM Mike Ripley, the multi award winning author of the fifteen book ‘Angel’ crime series will be leading a creative writing class at The Swan in Lavenham, as part of the Lavenham Literary Festival. For more info click here.

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My sister used the word ‘caboose’ yesterday. The conversation went something like this: Sister: “I had a dream last night where I was in the caboose of a train and -” Me: ‘I’m sorry…a caboose??’ Sister: ‘Yes, a caboose’ Me: “A caboose. What era are you from?? “Sorry I’m late, terrible commute in – the […]

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Hi Sushi in Camden certainly had when it hosted the launch party for Cosplay Fever on Tuesday night, and I can honestly say it was a first for me – sipping my wine and chatting to a griffin … The book is the latest venture from cult graphic novelists Pete ‘The Artist’ Lumby and Rob […]

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The Big Red Read initiative, organised by Redbridge Libraries, called for readers to vote for their favourite reads from a list of 45 books. Shadow of Death, by Alison Joseph came in fourth!

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