I’ll admit that when my alarm went off this morning, my first comatosed thought was “you have GOT to be kidding me”. Sadly, my clock has no sense of humour and I couldn’t count it as the first April Fool’s prank of the day. Later on the tube however, I found myself wondering where this […]

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We are delighted to announce that ANGELS UNAWARE, by Mike Ripley has been shortlisted for CrimeFest’s Last Laugh Award for Best Humorous Crime Novel of 2008.

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I must be the only person in the UK who hasn’t read The Kite Runner.  Something about it just doesn’t appeal to me although I know so many people have loved it.  But I have seen the film and loved it so much I promptly bought it for my Mum.  My sister has both read […]

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Ah – the simple things in life that make me happy (doesn’t take much). For instance, while working on our next catalogue I got to play with two beautiful fonts discovered by cover-designer-in-chief Christina which feature on next month’s One Foot Wrong. One, a slightly bonkers mix of hand-sketched characters that makes me think of […]

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Eek! Paper prices have shot through the roof! Well, actually we knew this a while ago but we’ve been hiding our heads in the sand waiting for the wheeling and dealings of the paper mills and printers to be finalised. It’s not pretty. Cutting down trees is environmentally unpopular – and criminally expensive. Yet books […]

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Tonight, as I write this, a crowd has gathered at the wonderful Heffers Bookshop in Cambridge to celebrate the launch of Kate Charles‘ new ecclesiatical mystery Deep Waters. There will be much drinking of wine, much signing of books, much merriment in general. Who ever said Monday nights were boring? Now, if you are reading […]

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Considering the amount of effort we spend proof reading our manuscripts, the fact that occasionally, like all publishers, we receive a letter from an indignant reader who has spotted a typo on page 245…well, it does hurt a little. Then you read THIS. And suddenly you realise it’s a wonder anyone spots grammatical errors. Or […]

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Following on from yesterday’s make-over theme, today brought up the issue of changing a cover design. Our Morganville vampire books, by Rachel Caine are proving to be a big hit with readers (look out, Stephanie Meyer…) and now, four books into the series, we are thinking of giving the next one, Lord of Misrule (out […]

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One Foot Wrong, the utterly unique debut by Sophie Laguna (out in the UK 6th April) has been longlisted for the prestigious Miles Franklin Literary Award.

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Wednesday 25th March, 7.30pm, HATHERLEY LIBRARY Ever wondered how to write a cracking crime novel? How should you choose a setting, or create a character? Husband and wife, and crime writing duo, Judith CUtler and Edward Marston, will be hosting a crime writing workshop at Hatherley Library. With over 70 novels between them, Judith and […]

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15 April, LONDON Justine Trueman, author of Detox Your Finances, will be giving a talk at the European Women’s Network event in London entitled:Taking hold of your financial future.  Whilst women are earning more than ever before, they do not always know how best to manage their finances and investments. Justine will explain why women […]

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Weekend of 3 – 5 July, WINCHESTER Justine Trueman, author of Detox Your Finances, will be speaking at the 29th Winchester Writers’ Conference at the University of Winchester this summer. She will also be signing copies of her book at the book fair. Further details will soon be available at www.writersconference.co.uk

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I spend a lot of time on the train chugging to and from London. Which is great, usually, as it doesn’t take much for me to lose myself in a book and an hour of reading where I can’t do the washing up or other looming chores is precious. So it’s annoying when I finish […]

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I grew up with small format paperbacks that neatly fit in your pocket and that’s what everyone took on their annual holiday.  Those were the days … Then along came the large Penguin paperbacks, the King Penguins, which were so gorgeous and covetable.  Do you remember Perfume first time round?  It was absolutely stunning.  So […]

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Saturday 14 March, 12noon, Waterstones GLOUCESTER Come and meet author Rebecca Tope who will be signing copies of her popular Cotswold mystery series at Waterstone’s, 13-15 Eastgate Street, Gloucester, including her latest hardback Slaughter in the Cotswolds.

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We’ve been out to lunch today to celebrate the launch of the new website. Don’t get the wrong idea, publishing really is not made up of social fluttering and million pound deals being struck over champers at the Dorchester. It was a yummy pizza and pasta celebration but an occasion nonetheless. Now, I’m breathing garlic […]

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Monday 23rd March, 6.30pm, Heffers Bookshop, CAMBRIDGE Join Kate Charles as she celebrated the launch of her new clerical mystery, Deep Waters, at Heffers Bookshop, 20 Trinity Street, in Cambridge. Free tickets can be collected at the Ground Floor cash desk of Heffers or you can book them over the phone on 01223 568532.

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Friday 20 March, 9.00am, BATH Alex Wheatle author of Brixton Rock and Island Songs will pay a visit to Ashfield Young Offenders Unit as part of Bath literature festival. For further information log on to www.bathlitfest.org.uk

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Our Publishing Director, Susie Dunlop, has joined the Board of Directors at the Independent Publishers Guild (IPG) which aims to support its members in the publishing industry…

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Q. I know that as well as writing your own novels, you also co-write books with other authors. How do you approach this collaborative process – is it very very different to writing on your own, and do you enjoy it any more or less than writing solo? Susan Carnaby, London A. I love collaborating.  […]

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Q. Your characters Terry Biggs and Mike Lomax make a great pair, but if you had to choose, who would you pick to hang out with? Dave Lennox, London A. Mike Lomax or Terry Biggs?  What’s the next question?  Donald Trump or Rosie O’Donnell? Gut reaction, I’d pick Mike.  A couple of reasons.  While they […]

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