Rachel Caine’s visit to Boston
There’s quite a lot that succeeds in making me feel old these days. Bills. Songs on the radio. Slang that doesn’t make sense to my enfeebled mind. The prospect of my Young Person’s Railcard expiring – boo! But the thought of going back to a real school does the trick most completely. Timetables. School-dinners. Maths – you’ve got to be kidding me, right?
So, it takes a special kind of lady to drag me back through a school gate and into earshot of a dreaded bell. She just happens to be Rachel Caine. Yesterday (Tuesday) Rachel and I set out intrepidly to Boston in Lincolnshire. There the wonderful Debbie at Waterstones had set up a visit to Boston High School where Rachel talked about how she got into writing, answered some questions and signed copies of our rather fabulous Morganville books. That was followed later by a visit to Waterstones and the teen book club based there. Fun was had by all; what with glow-in-the-dark bumper stickers and some rather snazzy branded wristbands aplenty how could there not be? Check out the photos – Rachel still signing away without a sign of exhaustion!
Pics from the events below!

Lesley-Anne Brown, Sales & Marketing Manager