Spreading the Cosplay fever! (Brilliant video!)
We already knew that Susie’s brother, Rob Dunlop, was a talented man. A freelance web designer, editor and writer (he wrote the story for the popular Tozzer comics) he also happens to be a talented photographer (for the Rob Dunlop Photography facebook page click here). He’s made quite a name for himself photographing weird and wonderful Cosplay characters and even published his work with his Cosplay Fever books.
What we didn’t know is that he also has a talent for creating brilliant videos! Yesterday we all stood around Lesley’s computer in awe of his new Cosplay Fever music video which is now on YouTube and already the 2nd most ‘favourited’ video in YouTube’s UK Entertainment category. Shot at the London Film & Comic Con 2011 earlier this month, it’s got a fab track (I now plan to buy that Pink album), fab Cosplay characters (how freaky is that zombie Nazi soldier?) and fab editing by Rob. Watch the talent in action below…
Chiara Priorelli, Publicty & Online Marketing Manager