The cover issue

Following on from yesterday’s make-over theme, today brought up the issue of changing a cover design. Our Morganville vampire books, by Rachel Caine are proving to be a big hit with readers (look out, Stephanie Meyer…) and now, four books into the series, we are thinking of giving the next one, Lord of Misrule (out July) a new look. There’s a buzz building up, the author will be coming over in May and this could be the perfect moment to…um, revamp the vampires. Here are the current covers to the first four books:

and let me tell you they’ve been a topic of conversation even outside this office. We’ve had comments from readers ever since the books came out, and even today, teen fiction blog Wondrous Reads posted a blog comparing the American cover to The Glass Houses with the UK cover and followers were quick to comment… It’s always subjective and always a point of contention, so changing the design is a big decision for us of course. There’s a lot to mull over. Do we keep the glow-in-the-dark feature we used on the first four covers? Do we keep the “models” on the front or do we go down a completely different and more iconic look? No doubt ideas will be bouncing round the office over the next few months, and our talented designer Christina will come up with something marvellous…. The result? Well you’ll just have to wait and see…

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity Manager

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2 thoughts on “The cover issue”

  1. I was wondering if the artist for the original designs and the new ones is the same and who are these artists.. Ilove both, but then Im a big Morganville Vamps reader. I read about 250 books per year and its hard to please me but i found these endearing, simple, sometimes a nit or two, but the characters just make the books and the troubles they get into and the end game is always great.


  2. Hi Avery, great to hear you love the Morganvilles! Our Art Editor, Christina Griffiths, designed all the covers for the UK editions of the series. Glad you like both styles! She sourced the pictures of the girls from photo libraries (by various photographers) and incorporated them into her designs.

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